The Our Story NH project has ended active recruitment of stories.  The website will remain live; we encourage you to view, enjoy and share the stories with your community.  Please reach out to if you have any questions about the project, or storytelling in general.  

Check out the Our Story NH listing on the Library of Congress, American Folklife Center, Stories from the Covid 19 Pandemic Resource Guide!

The Unforeseen Change in My Life Story

James, 03801

It was all just going well if not great for me. I’d just started my career journey, my first accounting job. I moved out from my parents house and then COVID came.

Everything just took a new turn and it was all upside down. I have bills to pay, I got suspended from work as they tried to minimize cost of running the bank, bills are piling up, I start taking loans and they’re just going up. I had one year full of trouble, suffering and there’s nothing I could do. I am staying indoors, no chance to get a new job, fear that I might even get COVID-19, it’s all so much for anyone to handle.

I think I have never been scared this much about tomorrow like I have been in the past two years. It’s been one literal hell of a ride for me and I’d think for so many more.