The Our Story NH project has ended active recruitment of stories.  The website will remain live; we encourage you to view, enjoy and share the stories with your community.  Please reach out to if you have any questions about the project, or storytelling in general.  

Check out the Our Story NH listing on the Library of Congress, American Folklife Center, Stories from the Covid 19 Pandemic Resource Guide!

Concentric Stories 22

Cheri, 03801

During the Covid 19 pandemic I lived in the Seacoast Region of New Hampshire.

At the start of the pandemic, being retired, my days weren’t much different than before. Took my time getting up, getting breakfast, reading the paper, puttering around the house with my husband and 2 cats. If we had to go to store we wore our homemade masks! We did a few projects around the house that we’d put off. Spent time walking, kayaking, journaling, and reading. We were lucky to have each other and weren’t lonely. Something I learned about myself during the Covid 19 pandemic is I’m pretty compatible with my husband for days at a time, I did get pretty scared about catching Covid, followed all the rules as they evolved, followed vaccination protocols, tried to help others if they needed groceries etc. I felt huge longing to be in touch with old friends and got regular zoom calls together with college and childhood friends. This was very rewarding for all of us and we had an in person reunion in 2021. We created an extra pantry with back ups of staples; oatmeal, non-dairy milks, nuts, canned goods. We also got a small freezer to supplement our food stores. We DID NOT feel the need to hoard things especially sanitizers or toilet paper. I would like future generations in New Hampshire to know it is important to listen to the science, urge the politicians to take measures to protect and mitigate dangers to the citizens of NH which is mandated in our state constitution. Help your friends and neighbors who may need help with simple everyday things.